I had my new favorite breakfast drink: a whole sweet potato and orange juice, blended to liquid. It’s not my favorite because of how it tastes, even though it tastes good. It’s my favorite because it puts me on the road to healing. Yes!!!
Yesterday was good, too. I got to go to lunch with my good friend Jan and hear how her novel is coming along. Can’t wait to read the whole thing. You’ve got to get it as soon as it goes out on the market. I just love having a friend who writes.
I love having friends! God is so good --- He’s given me many. He even gave me incredibly wonderful children to be my friends too, for life! That’s amazing! Thank you Heavenly Father!
By the way, here's the newest print for VintageVerses.etsy.com. It's not listed yet, but let me know if you want it and I'll get it on there asap!

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