Dear Heavenly Father,
Holy, Holy, Holy is Your name.
May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, (even though we know that for that to really happen, things will get to looking a lot worse here before they start to get better). We still want Your will. Amen!
Give use this day our daily bread --- and thanks, God, that our daily needs never get forgotten by You. You always remember what we need and have it prepared for us ahead of time.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who’ve sinned against us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Lord, I forgive all those who have wronged me. Please, You forgive them too.
Lead us not into temptation. We know You never tempt anyone. Your word says so! But we know that You allow temptation in our lives so that we can become strong. It gives us a chance to practice righteousness, strengthening those “faith” muscles that will make us stand strong in battle. Just like You made gravity to tug on us and we fall when we’re learning to walk, we needed something that would counter us, pull against our muscles so that they could grow strong with resistance training.
Help us to resist temptation! To grow strong! To keep resisting! To keep growing and strengthening so that ultimately we will be ready to stand and even be found standing when all the battle dust blows away.
Thank You, God, for Your sovereignty. Thank You that You don’t just leave us out there to fend for ourselves. Thank You that You are faithful to deliver us from the evil one - from evil and the evil one. Thank You that we can cry out to You for deliverance and help and You are quick to save. It’s Your choice that we would be delivered!
Thank You for Your strength in us. Thank You for this great grace You have given us.
Thank You, God!
Yours is the kingdom!
All power belongs to You, in Heaven, on Earth, and under the Earth!
Yours is all the glory for eternity, now and forever,
Amen and amen!
I love You, Lord! Help me to love You as I should! Help me to fear You as I ought! All praise and honor and glory to You, Heavenly Father, Almighty God!

I am offering a free PDF of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew in my handwritten calligraphy shown above. It is ready to print on your 8.5” X 11” paper in sepia tones. The print is formatted to fit in a standard size 8” X 10” frame. E-mail me to let me know that you want it sent to you. In the subject line of the e-mail enter: Teach Us To Pray. Thank you! If you don’t get the PDF in your e-mail from me within 48 hours it will mean that I did not receive your e-mail. Please e-mail me again in that case.
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